Decommissioning of an outdated Finastra Fusion Essence system and the transfer of Corporate business and SMB block to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking while ensuring that all necessary functions were available.
During the project, we accomplished the following tasks for the bank:
- Implementation of to Finastra FusionCapital Kondor + TradeProcessing for FX, MM, derivative financial instruments automation
- Transferring of corporate clients’ deposits to Finastra FusionCapital Kondor + TradeProcessing
- Preparing of Business position and functional requirements, participating in implementation of Central payment module (Payment HAB)
- Implementation, integration and setting up of Account Engine
- Modifying and setting up of General Ledger
- Multipurpose modifying and setting up of the system of report building
- Multipurpose modifying of the Single Data Vault on the SAS platform
- Transferring Management Information System (MIS) to the SAS Single Data Vault
- Implementation of the new unified chart of accounts
- Finastra
- ORACLE Flexcube