Outsourcing can achieve substantial cost savings in overall IT costs. These costs can be within the main cost items for IT companies. Or, in companies where the IT-department just supports the core business, not in the primary cost structure. However, these costs are always substantial and difficult to manage. Although the desire is great to reduce IT costs, it is often difficult to cut them in a targeted and effective way. Where is it possible and where it’s not (anymore)?
Having software developed externally can result in cost savings
HaEspecially if you go into a long-term cooperation and apply partnership approach. Then your team and the provider’s one get to know each other well, they start to speak each other’s ‘language’ and even jointly develop this. In that case the outsourcing costs, and also the total costs will be a lot less. And outsourcing becomes a continuous tool for cost reduction.
What should I think about software outsourcing cost reduction?
In outsourcing, the work is largely done outside Western countries. That may save a lot. At the beginning of a partnership, the costs are relatively higher (more consultation and communications). But after 4 to 6 months, the savings are daily food.

E-ngineers delivers the desired quality in addition to lower costs
As indicated above, the savings in costs for software development can be considerable. But only saving and then mediocre quality of software? Well no, I hear you think, that does not deliver anything on the balance. In addition to lower costs, the quality must be at least what you are used to and if possible even more. Then not only the price of your software development goes down, but also the quality up!
Outsourcing costs: efficiency through savings
In the end, you may save costs by outsourcing software development at a company like E-ngineers. With software of such a quality that you can ask your customers for the same price as if you had developed them with the local (expensive) hired employees.
But do not count yourself too rich. To really make money with software development outsourcing you should not limit yourself to an occasional project. In the initial phase you will have to spend more time yourself (and we too). Time that is mainly used to fine-tune cooperation and contact between you and our people. But with the effectiveness you achieve with this, a cost reduction is very real.