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Advantages of outsourcing

The IT word runs so fast that we don’t even have time to blink an eye. Software ages quickly and companies from different business areas invest more and more into innovations offering more and more on-line services to their customers. In these high-speed business conditions, it is vast important not to miss your time to market. Keep on track. Don’t lose your competitive advantage and offer new tools and functionalities to your customers.

In the IT sector it is often hard to find the people to start fast

In IT it is often hard to find the people to start fast.
Outsourcing partner usually can start prototyping and development, or extend your team promptly in order you could follow the market, if there’s a need for a new application or functionality, if you need to apply a new technology or update your current software. Good news, because this could take months.

Advantage of wide experience and flexibility

IT outsourcing companies work for several customers at the same time and probably have a variety of projects. They get more experience and increase skills and knowledge in various areas, more than your company probably can do just because they have much more tricky situations to be solve in different projects. Even if you are a specialized IT company yourself, in many cases it is more advantageous to outsource part of your capacity and activities to a reliable partner.
IT Outsourcing makes a company less dependent on internal specialists. That often leads to increased flexibility even for IT companies. A good outsourcing company from Russia or Eastern Europe will be able to quickly allocate a competent professional to replace the absent employee or add another one to the team. This means the development will never get delayed.

A long-term partnership provides even more advantages in outsourcing

Outsourcing helps to be on the crests of the waves and often delivers operational savings.
When outsourcing a large part of your software development for a longer period (3 to 10 years) you achieve a sure-fire situation. Because of the longer relationship, the benefit for you, is getting bigger and bigger. For you the advantage is the savings, flexibility and better business than your competitors. While the outsourcing partner thanks to the long-term cooperation, knowledge of your business and systems, tuned communications and processes can deliver even better added value and more efficiency.

Benefits in expertise

Few companies have all the necessary expertise in house. Especially today where it is difficult to find experts who want to work for you. To hire them against expensive money is not ideal … With an outsourcing company it’s better to outsource expertise that you do not have at all, or have to a lesser extent. This allows you to focus on your core activities in the economy of today and to put your competitors off the hook.

Saving costs as the main advantage of outsourcing

In addition to good expertise, high quality and flexibility, lowering costs is an unmissable advantage of outsourcing. Savings are achieved not insignificantly by a substantial difference in salaries or payroll tax rates and operational expenses between most Western European countries and outsourcing areas such as Eastern Europe and Russia.

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